Salmon is a delicate fish that does well when lightly smoked and gently seasoned. Cooking it on a plank over a live fire gives it a great smoky flavor...
Only three ingredients provide moist salmon fillets bursting with flavor! Wonderful garnished with basil leaves and served with Naan bread and steamed...
A great low-carb, paleo, clean eating recipe for shrimp scampi where noodles are substituted with spaghetti squash. If you prepare the spaghetti sqash...
This is my grandmother's recipe - 'Bunch' is short for 'Honeybunch,' our pet name for her. It is always a huge hit and it can be constructed the night...
I credit this recipe to a deceased friend who had a knack for creating great meals. This is my favorite way to eat halibut and great dish to serve with...
Halibut fillets marinated in lime juice and herbs are simple and delicious, and perfect for any occasion. Pineapple and mango salsas - or any of your personal...
Grilled lemons add a smoky tartness to a butter sauce made to enjoy with grilled salmon. A touch of dill adds a fresh, clean finish. Make sure to use fresh...
A foolproof oven-baked salmon dish that is easy to make and big on flavor. If you don't like dill, you could try other fresh herbs, or even a mixture of...
I modeled this after dishes I've had in restaurants at the beach. You can use any white fish. I served the fish and sauce over rice. It's fast, easy, and...
I first created this dish when my family suggested I try something other than the same tired (yet still yummy) Asian salmon dish. I whipped this up out...
This is a great date night meal! It will make a ton of leftovers, so you can send some home with your boo. I make this with a decent bottle of Sauvignon...
Did you know an air fryer can do more than just crisp and lend a healthier version of fried food? I decided to cook salmon in mine, and was amazed by the...
A crispy baked fish topped with a cheesy crab and pepper mixture. Easy to make, and nice to look at. This topping can also be used to stuff mushrooms....
This fast-and-easy dish was an instant success at my house, even in my fish-hesitant family. The panko crisps up beautifully, and the halibut is tender,...
This is the absolute tastiest broiled salmon I've ever had, and only takes about 25 minutes from start to finish! Using just a few ingredients, you will...
Here's a recipe that I have made several times for our family. Set your broiler and watch the shrimp closely. The shrimp is done when it turns pink. Do...
Shrimp scampi is a classic, but decadent dish typically made with lots of butter and served over high-carb pasta or white rice. This version lightens things...
A super-simple yet tasty recipe from a very novice chef. I am a divorced father who is slowly learning to cook for myself. I have 2 teenagers who hate...
I love this recipe, it is absolutely delici-oso! These breaded pan-fried salmon fillets are best served with steamed rice and spring mix salad, or broccoli...
This is a great recipe for beginners! This was my first time making fish and it was a hit. Even my 9 year old daughter who wouldn't dream of eating fish...
This is an amazing miso salmon recipe that I discovered after eating the miso salmon from The Cheesecake Factory®. It's extremely easy to make and tastes...
A large salmon filet, steamed in foil and cooked either in the oven or barbecue. It's seasoned with minced garlic, fresh baby dill, lemon slices, fresh...